What We Do

G.E.M. NIGHTS (Great Endeavor Moms):

Moms need special time too!   Monthly we offer a chance for moms to meet and chat or participate in a special activity.  Together we might take a painting class, go to a movie, have a relaxation night, enjoy some coffee or a tea party, or maybe a guest speaker.  Nursing babies are always welcome.  


Usually the 3rd Tuesday of the month there are no academy classes, and instead we offer a field trip.  These include historical places, skiing, ice skating, roller skating, museums, Durham Bulls Education Day, pumpkin patch, farms, and more.  Often we schedule more than one field trip per month.  Have an idea of a filed tripoou want to do? Submit it for the calendar, so your new GEH friends can come too.    


Special Events are offered throughout the year.  These can include Science Fair, History Fair, Geography Fair, Lemonade Stand/Entrepeneuer Day, Career Day, and MORE!

ACADEMY (co-op classes):

Academy classes are 12 weeks per semester on Tuesday mornings from 8:50-12:15.  We offer four 45 minute classes, with options at each level (preschool, early elementary, late elementary, middle school, high school). Classes often include PE, Art, Hands on Science, Bible, Literature studies, and really anything the parents want to teach.  This is a great opportunity to add  enrichment and supplememntal materials to your homeschool, as well as meet with friends on a weekly basis.  


We enjoy showing off (in a good way) what we have learned in co-op classes.  At the end of the sememster some classes will do presentations or have projects on display.  We also have the option to combine with friends and have a homeschool graduation ceremony.  


Friendships, support, and acceptance is what you will find in our valuable Great Endeavor community.  PLUS a GEH yearbook to remember all the great events of the year.